Locate People, LLC - People Search Services such as social security number search, locate by name, cell phone, or old location.

Locate People, LLC Products and services

People search services.

Social security number search
This search will allow you to locate someone with using a social security number with little hassle. Please keep in mind this SSN search is not like the free people search services you see available online. This is a much more advanced search.
This search often may provide the following records

  • Full name, including middle name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Social security fraud check.
  • Address history for last 20 years.
  • Current address as reported.
  • Family or friends associated with the subject.
  • AKA - Other names subject uses.
  • Family and friends address history.
  • Telephone numbers including work number.
  • Cell phone numbers.
  • Email address used.
  • Social media profiles wide search.
  • And much more great value for $29.99.
Order SSN search

Find by name and or other records:
This search will allow you to locate someone with using a variety of information such as old address, state, city, age, date of birth, cell phone, and other records.
These searches often may provide the following records

  • Accurate full name, including middle name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Social security fraud check.
  • Social security number (trunked).
  • Address history for last 20 years.
  • Current address as reported.
  • Family or friends associated with the subject.
  • AKA - Other names subject uses.
  • Family and friends address history.
  • Telephone numbers including work number.
  • Cell phone numbers.
  • Email address used.
  • Social media profiles wide search.
  • And much more great value for $29.99.
Order people search

Background checks and records:
Our comprehensive background check service is designed to provide you with a thorough investigation into individuals for various purposes, including peace of mind, employment, and tenant screening. We offer advanced people search products that go beyond basic checks, delivering detailed information. It's important to note that we do not make approval or disapproval decisions for employment or tenant screening. Our service is a valuable tool to assist you in making informed decisions.
Background checks often may provide the following records

  • Accurate full name, including middle name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Social security fraud check.
  • Social security number (trunked).
  • SSN verification.
  • Address history for last 20 years.
  • Current address as reported.
  • Family or friends associated with the subject.
  • AKA - Other names subject uses.
  • Family and friends address history.
  • Telephone numbers including work number.
  • Cell phone numbers.
  • Email addresses used.
  • State criminal check.
  • Local criminal check.
  • Social media profiles wide search.
  • And much more great value starting at $39.99.
Order background check

Our advanced background check is designed to explore and potentially reveal a comprehensive range of records, which may encompass details about the individual's past and current employers, including names and business affiliations. Additionally, this advanced search could provide information on employers' addresses and contact numbers. Beyond employment history, we delve into assets, covering real property, vehicles, and other valuable possessions. We also include a search for CCW permits as part of our thorough investigation. Price starts at $59.99.

Order advanced background check

Cell phone traces / searches:
This search will allow you to locate records for cell phones. These can be used to simply locate someone's cell phone, or to locate the number of a subject. To locate the owner of a cell phone number we do require the full cell phone number, a possible name, or location may also help but not required. To locate a cell phone number for the subject we require at least the subjects full name, and local area to search in. The more information you can provide the better.
This search often may provide the following records

Using the subjects name, and other information may provide the full cell phone number.

Using the cell phone number we may provide you with the following below.

  • Full name, including middle name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Social security fraud check.
  • Address history for last 20 years.
  • Current address as reported.
  • Family or friends associated with the subject.
  • AKA - Other names subject uses.
  • Family and friends address history.
  • Other cell phone numbers.
  • Email address used.
  • Social media profiles wide search.
  • And much more great value for $29.99.

Order I have cell phone number

Order I need to find cell number